D3 / D6 : Rieumes - Isle de Dodon

Star Rating Graphic (5) 21 kms
Mission Motos! | Ιούλιος 20, 2006 | Ευρώπη > Γαλλία Διαδρομές για μοτοσυκλέτα > Midi-Pyrenees

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Παρουσία Τροχαίας Star Rating Graphic (1)


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Ιούλιος 20, 2006 - Star Rating Graphic

My favourite bike to do this road on is the firm's MT03. Depending on the time of year you ride - this can be a terrificly scenic road. You ride down with the Pyrenees on your left - in the colder months of the year the resolution on the mountains is fantastic. This particular section can be tied with some others I will be adding. The bends are breathtaking - no chance of keeping the bike vertical at almost any point on the road. Harry the suicidal chicken can be found lurking at some corners so beware. In the summer sometimes the verge grass can grow quite high - so be ready to creep around some of the right handers, the local farmers often cut them. All the road surfaces are tolerable - but keep an eye out for gritty patches in early spring. Avoid the sides of the road as gravel can collect there! The road is really two sections - the first 20 KM from Rieumes is quite open but very tight - the second section is tighter with slightly more restriced views in parts. The final descent into Isle De Dodon is sublime and very twisty - treat yourself to a cheap lunch in the Auberge on the town square.

Mission Motos!
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