At BBR we spend our time trying to make this project better all the time.
Resources and money are very limited so we appreciate you using this FAQ to solve your issue.
In these days of superfast internet and super short attention spans,
we are doing our best to offer you the best service with what we have available
If you like BBR or our Mobile App, please help us by adding a positive review,
for the mobile app or the website online, we know they are not perfect but we are working tirelessly to improve that bit by bit.
Also please consider that in a world where people are more keen to criticise than compliment we need all the support we can get.
Thanks for your help and understanding.
Question 1 : I cannot login to the website, why?
The registration process requires that you validate your account before you can login.
If you have not received an email with a link to validate your account you will not be able to log in
Normally you will receive an email containing a link directly, if you have not received an email within 1 day,
check your spam folder, if you still have not received an email, you can click on the 'account inactive' link
This can be found on the homepage at the top next to the login buttons
To prevent lots of SPAM, the site users an auto-delete system for users who do not activate their account within 4 four weeks of initial registration
If you registered more than a month ago but did not activate your account within that period, you will need to re-register from scratch
Question 2 : The email activation link I received when I registered my account does not work, why?
When you receive the activation mail with the link to validate your account, the link is quite long.
On mobile devices or devices with small screens the link may span more than one line
In such cases when you click the link from your email, the link activated will only be the first line of the whole link
so the link will not be valid, in this case, copy the complete link to the clipboard and paste it into the address bar of your browser
Question 3 : I cannot log in to the mobile app but my website login works fine, why?
For mobile devices the use of touchscreeens means that the spell checker is much more aggresive than for a more traditional device
It is therefore possible that when you enter your password on the app, it is being automatically corrected to another phrase without your knowledge
To avoid this, use a stronger password, something containing more than one number character in your password, as this is less likely to be mistaken
for misspelled word by your device
NOTE : If your username contains @ or space characters, this can also cause problems
in this case please us the contact us form to request a change to your username
or re-register with a different name which does not contain any of these characters
Question 4 : When I add a route, I want to add a video clip or photo but I can't, why?
This process will be improved in the near future but for now film clips and photos can only be added to existing routes
Therefore, please add your route first, then view the route and click on 'add photo' or 'add film clip' to that route
Question 5 : I have added a new route to BBR but it is incorrect, can I change it?
At the moment there is only the possibility to delete your incorrect route and re-add the corrected version
To delete an incorrect route, view the route from the main website, and delete it there
Routes cannot be deleted from the mobile app at this time, please click the web link from your device to delete a route
Question 6 : Routes Near Me are not shown or are shown as Spain or Morocco on the mobile app, why?
The first time you run the app after installation, the app tries to use your location to show the routes nearest your location
If this function is disabled on your device or you chose not to let the device access your location it is not possible to use this function.
The value used in that case is zero degrees by zero degrees, which is the atlantic ocean just off the Moroccan coast
To enable the location services for the BBR App in iOS 6 do the following: iOS 6 -> Settings -> Privacy -> Location Services -> BBR -> Enable iOS 8 -> Settings -> BBR -> Privacy -> Location Services -> While Using The App (Select)
For older apple versions, see Apple Support Here:
Question 7 : I see kilometers on the mobile app but I want to use miles, how can I change that?
For Apple Devices, set the following: Settings -> BBR -> Prefer Miles -> On
For Android Devices, set the following : BBR App Main Screen -> i Button -> Preferences -> Prefer Miles -> On
Question 8 : How do I make a donation to BBR using a credit card?
You can, at any time, make a donation to BBR using a credit card by clicking the red banner at the bottom of the page
If you do not have a PayPal account and would like to make a donation using a credit card, click on
'No PayPal account? Pay using your credit or debit card' - Your donation is very gratefully received. Thank you.
Question 9 : How do I Use the routes on this site with my GPS?
All BBR routes can be downloaded as GPX format, these can be used with multiple devices
to see an example of how to use them, see here: Using GPX Files with MapSource
Question 10 : What is MapSource and how do I use it?
There is a BBR Tutorial on how to use MapSource, that can be found here: MapSource Tutorial
Question 11 : I Have Forgotten My Password / Username. What Should I Do?
The 'Forgot Password' link on the top menu or will send you an email to registered email address.
This email will contain a reminder of what your username is and how to reset your password.
This is also a link to reset your password
Question 12 : The BBR site is not in the language I want, how can I change that?
If you are using the BBR website and you have an account you can 'edit your profile' and select the langauge you want
If you do not have an account, you must change the by setting the language of your browser to the desired language.
Currently supported languages for the website are : English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Greek and a partially translated Polish version.
If you would be prepared to help translate the site into your language, please us the 'contact us' page.
Question 13 : The BBR Mobile App is not in the language I want, how can I change that?
The mobile app language detection works by looking up the currently used language from the OS
and using that if it is available or defaulting to English if it is not
Currently supported languages for the website are : English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish and Polish.
Question 14 : I have created a new route but it is wrong, can I edit or delete it?
Newly created routes or uploaded roadbooks can be deleted by viewing the route when logged in for 2 days after the route was created.
Delete the route by entering your password in the delete box. Please note, this action cannot be undone.
Question 15 : I added a route via the mobile app, but it is not shown, why not?
Adding very long routes to BBR is not recommended as it increases the chances of mass route duplication
and in general lowers the quality of the content that people come to BBR to look for
If the route you want to add contains more than about 7 waypoints, please consider adding your route in parts
in the most interesting sections only so that other members can make the best use of your information
Additionally there is a chance that your device max memory will be exceeded or upload will be unsuccessful for very long routes
Question 16 : I want to change my password, how can I do that?
The process for changing your password is the same as for resetting your password if you forget your password.
Therefore please see question 11
Question 17 : None of the buttons on the mobile app are enabled, what do I do?
Sometimes when there is no internet connection available when the app is loaded, the app will wait for a connection.
In this case, close the app, configure a connection and reload the app.
Question 18 : I've seen some funky BBR stickers on bikes around, how do I get my hands on some?
If you are a Site Sponsor or a user with a score more than 30 points you can request free stickers via the contact form.
Please provide a postal address and your username when doing that.
Question 19 : Whenever I try to view routes in a specific country, I am shown the routes in South Africa - Why?
The BBR website uses a caching system to optimise performance on the server, however, there is a currently a slight bug which means
that if you are the first to view a country after the cache is refreshed, you might be shown South Africa in error.
If this happens to you, there are 3 options:
1) Wait for the server cache to be refreshed again (happens about every 10 minutes)
2) Visit the page you are looking at through a different TLD, e.g. .fr,.de, instead of the .com address
3) Use the Mobile App to view that country, this bug does not exist in the app
If you are reading this and you know the reason for this bug, please feel free to contact me.
Question 20 : Whenever I try to view routes in a specific state, I am shown the routes in West Virginia - Why?
The BBR website uses a caching system to optimise performance on the server, however, there is a currently a slight bug which means
that if you are the first to view a state after the cache is refreshed, you might be shown West Virginia in error.
If this happens to you, there are 3 options:
1) Wait for the server cache to be refreshed again (happens about every 10 minutes)
2) Visit the page you are looking at through a different TLD, e.g. .fr,.de, instead of the .com address
3) Use the Mobile App to view that country, this bug does not exist in the appbr>
If you are reading this and you know the reason for this bug, please feel free to contact me.
Question 21 : How can I navigate a selected route using the mobile App
At the time of writing, the native mobile navigation from Apple and Google does not allow a user to follow a pre-defined route.
For this reason if you would like to navigate a route from the BBR App, the recommended way is to do the following:
1) Select the route you would like to follow
2) Scroll Down and select 'View this route on the website'
3) On the right hand side of the page, below the route rating, you will see a link 'gpx', select that link
4) The gpx file is a navigable detail of the route, which several mobile GPS mobile apps can use to navigate
NOTE: If you simply want to navigate to the start or end of the route,
this can be done within the app as the native device navigation can calculate any route to the location of the start.
I hope to be able to improve this feature as more google/apple navigation features are map available
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This project is offered freely to you but there are costs involved to keep it running and continually improve it.
For that, we rely on showing adverts and personal contributions from sponsors
To find out more, please read the Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy
or if you really like my project please Become A Sponsor
Thanks David Robertson