Proof that God was a Biker at heart.
One of my favourite roads and even in high season traffic is minimal.
It is only really busy during European Bike Week and then
it is hoards of motorcycles. Generally the surface
is pretty good but there a few places where it
is suffering and the dreaded "Black Snakes" have been used to effect repairs.
There are a few Cattle Grids along the way,
often on curves so be careful and where there are Cattle Grids,
there are usually cattle. More of a problem in late season when
colder nights bring them down from the high pastures.
September sees the cattle driven down to lower altitudes
for the winter and in doing so they leave a bit of a mess on the roads.
This is a Toll Road and in 2015 it was €10,-
with a discount for entering later in the day.
It comes 2nd after the famous Grossglockner but it has more greenery.
The view is extraordinary.
If you are into patches, they sell it at 11 Euro in one of those coffee stops, you see a lot of classic cars and countless bikes.You could spend the whole day but this means stopping at each stop. It reaches 2042m and is biker friendly. After that road I suggest you to ride the Turracher Hohe in case you need to head back to Faak am See.
One of the best biking roads anywhere! I ride it dozens of times a year. It's a toll road, owned by the same company as the Grossglockner and usually opens at the same time, In 2010 it opened 9am 1st May,I went through the toll at 9.02am, still snow at the side of the road but the surface was dry. The Nockalm is popular with classic car & bike groups as it is not too steep and the hairpins are not too sharp. Lots to see along the route,you could spend a whole day. Toll last year was 8 Euros, a bargain, I get a season ticket (covers most of the toll roads here) and ride it whenever I can. It feels different in each direction so ride both ways!
HochalmspitzeExperience on a drive of 35km, with numerous gentle bends, a unique high-mountain region in the heart of the largest spruce, larch and arolla pine forest in the eastern Alps.
OK thats what the leaflet says about this toll road.
Theres sections of forest that are twisty with no visibility, a couple of car parks where people wander in the roads, and cows and there mess.
But its a cracking road reaching 2042m, several cafe/restaurants, free biker safes to store you helmet.
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