D3 / D88 / D40 / D7 / D40 / D654 Beaumont-de-Lomangne - Mauvazin ( Pays de Lomagne )

Star Rating Graphic (3) 64 kms
Timberob | Αύγουστος 5, 2007 | Ευρώπη > Γαλλία Διαδρομές για μοτοσυκλέτα > Midi-Pyrenees
Διαδρομές για μοτοσυκλέτα 3 υπάρχουν διαθέσιμες φωτογραφίες

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Αύγουστος 5, 2007 - Star Rating Graphic

From Beaumont de Lomagne take the road to Lavit de Lomagne (D3) A nice twisty road with a good surface, then follow the A62 signs to Mansonville. At Mansonville turn left towards St. Clar (D88). This road is just as much fun but the road surface is bumpy! At Gramont turn right and follow the signs to St. Clar. At the junction the the D40 turn left and still follow St. Clar. At the entrance to St. Clar turn left on the D7 towards Turnecoupe. Just before you go up the hill to Tournecoupe, turn right to onto the D40 to Mauvezin. At the junction with the D654 turn left to Mauvezin
Not a race track but a good ride out all the same
Places to visit:
Beaumont with its nice town square and Cafes.
Lachapelle, a quiet little village.
Gramont with its auberge and honey museum
St. Clar, a sleepy town with a super cake shop!
Mauvezin time for a beer in the shade of the hall.
If you're in the area, give this a go.

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