99 / Radstadter Tauernpass : Mauterndorf - Radstadt

Star Rating Graphic (4.67) 35 kms
PaulDevall | Δεκέμβριος 6, 2005 | Ευρώπη > Αυστρία Διαδρομές για μοτοσυκλέτα > Eastern Austria
Διαδρομές για μοτοσυκλέτα Διατίθεται Κινηματογράφου

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Στροφές Star Rating Graphic (4)
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ΟρατότηταStar Rating Graphic (4.7)
Ποιότητα οδοστώματοςStar Rating Graphic (4.3)
ΕπικινδυνότηταStar Rating Graphic (2.3)
Παρουσία Τροχαίας Star Rating Graphic (2.3)


Have your say....
Φεβρουάριος 2, 2013 - Star Rating Graphic

One of the best roads i have ever ridden. It got everything a great road should have. Spectacular scenery, good road surface and not a lot of other traffic.

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Σεπτέμβριος 20, 2011 - Star Rating Graphic

5 Star route, beautiful ! It's one of those where you can speed up, maintain your pace and enjoy the best scenery (mountains, greenery, open sky) i love it. In the end take the 2nd exit and enter Radstadt to enjoy a coffee brake in the center of the town. You will find there a WWI & WWII memorial. From Mauterndorf the road goes a smooth uphill.

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Δεκέμβριος 6, 2005 - Star Rating Graphic

From Mauterndorf avoid signs to the autobahn and head up over the Radstadter. The high point is 1793m above sea level at Obertauern. Road generally wide and easy to pass outside peak holidays. Road popular with cyclists and mobile-home (RV) types!

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