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Στροφές Star Rating Graphic (3.5)
TwistinessStar Rating Graphic (1.6)
Ευθύγραμμα κομμάτια δρόμουStar Rating Graphic (3)
Θέα/ Φυσικό περιβάλλονStar Rating Graphic (4.5)
ΟρατότηταStar Rating Graphic (3.5)
Ποιότητα οδοστώματοςStar Rating Graphic (3)
ΕπικινδυνότηταStar Rating Graphic (3)
Παρουσία Τροχαίας Star Rating Graphic (2)


Have your say....
Ιούνιος 19, 2017 - Star Rating Graphic

While this route does hit some decent roads, the overall route in its entirety is not that good. You will be riding along a nice paved road then all of a sudden it turns on to some road that looks more like some farm access road and not a public road. This happens enough to really take away from the ride and was constantly pulling over to try and navigate a different road to get back on course in order to be able to experience the route from A to B. So if you are going to ride this route take the time to go through the entire route and get rid of the sections that go through those parts and reroute to better road conditions. I suppose if you ride like a dirtbike or something similar it's fine but for any street bike (sportbike for me) those roads are no good.

There are sections though that have some great scenery through the woods and what not, so that makes up for some of it.

Just an FYI, if your riding this route in the near future just beware, there were a few roads where new chipseal was put down (Hawk Mountain road comes to mind, where all but the last mile or so was new chipseal). Fortunately that last mile has some good corners.

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Απρίλιος 24, 2017 - Star Rating Graphic

A lot of winding roads that you can get some great corners in.

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