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Νοέμβριος 5, 2018 - Star Rating Graphic

This is a great ride, I do it several times each year. The PA side goes through many small towns on the edge of the Delaware river and has many good turns. The Jersey side has a wider road and bigger towns but still a nice ride. Tons of bikers on this road especially in New Hope. In the summer be ready to be stuck in some traffic in this little town, it gets quite busy.

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Ιούλιος 19, 2015 - Star Rating Graphic

gas up and start out at wawa near sesame place. for maybe the first 10 miles you´re driving on busy roads, but once you get past 322 (newtown bypass) and on rte 413 it becomes really nice riding. follow river road north towards Easton pa (watch out for the one lane bridge, make sure you take your turn or you´ll end up in the drink).

In upper black eddy you will see a sign on the right side of the road that says General Store, don´t worry its the only one on the whole trip.. take a left and grab some grub, they have some great lunch sandwich´s, its a small place with a nice rustic atmosphere..

Get back on the bike head back out to river road and follow it back south, down through New Hope, feel free to park and walk around, if you happen to take this ride on a sunday you will easily see a few hundred bikes parked in this town and the town is maybe a max of a mile long.

when you come out of New Hope you, can take a right and head up to Bowman´s tower and see the spectacular view, or you can simple stay straight and head down to Washington´s crossing state park, might want to stop here and enjoy a huge part or the history of our country, this is the place where George Washington crossed the Delaware river.

the entire ride is a beautiful ride along the Delaware River

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