Motorcycle Traveller Avatar Image
  • Dupo24
  • 2002 Honda Shadow Spirit 750
  • σκορ: 15
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Μάιος 19, 2015 - Star Rating Graphic

2015 roads are back to normal ( after floods) and looks good

Motorcycle Traveller Avatar Image
Ιούλιος 7, 2012 - Star Rating Graphic

This run starts in Easton, Pa and ends in Bushkill, Pa. The ride takes scenic Rt 611 North and follows the Delaware River.

As you take this ride you will start seeing some very scenic mountains and elevation changes. You will eventually enter the state park where there are pull-offs and scenic over looks.

Once you pass the Interstate you will again enter a state park where you no longer follow the river, but instead get on a very secluded road with scenic views of old farmland and open fields, wooded areas (as the road narrows and is gravel at times, becareful!). Youll see a sign for a church along this narrow road, take the turn at the sign and youll come across an 1800s church with a cemetery on a hill with some old markers. The ride ends at a gas station/convenience store where you can fuel up and get a drink.

When your ride ends, you can turn right at the red light on to Rt 209 and go a very short distance to Bushkill Falls to view the falls and if youre up to it, hike the trails to see the other falls in the park.

Motorcycle Traveller Avatar Image
  • Dupo24
  • 2002 Honda Shadow Spirit 750
  • σκορ: 15

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