A mix of popular and deserted roads, with steep scenic drops, beautiful rivers and forests This 420 mile tour starts from I90 at St. Regis Montana and travels directly west into Idaho along the fantastic St. Joe River Road. Beware, at the start the St. Joe River road has a short gravel section, in good condition and not difficult and well worth it to get to the rest of the route. If you prefer to not go on the gravel. Simply reverse the route and near the end take one of the smaller paved side roads. After the St. Joe River road this route takes a southerly course towards the Lolo pass but not before enjoying some more lovely deserted twisties on state hwy 11. Then the route joins the Lolo pass. A nice pass, more popular than the St. Joe and with faster more open curves. As you pass the sign ‘Warning Curves for next 99 miles’ you’ll realise why you came!