Just ridden this route last week and it was totally deserted on a cracking day - as previous reviews say it is a fabulous road if you like big open sweepers - highly recommended!!
taggersFound this route with the help of google streetview so added it as a small detour to my original route plan. And i'm so glad that I did. Absolutely fantastic road and one of my favourites of our whole tour. Great surface, lots of open bends, no traffic, great grip....this one has is all. Lucky for me that a wasp went down my daughters jacket and stung her twice on the back. It was only when we stopped that I noticed the camera wasn't recording. Up to this point my daughter was going really well, but the stings upset her concentration. You can see her confidence improving as the video progresses :) Do it if you can people, it's fab.
Steve_CardiffThe Na-214 (not 124 as in the vid) is only 15k long, but you can have a great time in a short distance. I missed the first few k's on the video because the camera was on pause. Luckily for me a wasp got in to my daughter's jacket, stinging her twice, and forcing her to stop. It was then that I noticed the camera. Good girl Sarah, took one for the team :) A real fun stretch of road with knee down opportunities everywhere, or take your time and enjoy the views. Great stuff :)