The Silvery Slocan Valley Loop

Star Rating Graphic (5) 209 kms
leahphoerger | Ιούνιος 4, 2014 | Αμερική > Καναδάς Διαδρομές για μοτοσυκλέτα > British Columbia

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Ιούνιος 4, 2014 - Star Rating Graphic

The Silvery Slocan Valley Loop

Great for history lovers and sight seers alike, the Silvery Slocan trip winds along some of the most beautiful lakeside in British Columbia. Retracing the glory days of the region´s mining boom, the route follows the western shores of Kootenay Lake, around Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park and down the east shore of Slocan Lake.

Visitors can stop in at the iconic Ainsworth Hot springs for a relaxing dip before visiting the Cody Caves for a guided tour of the underground geology. The picturesque town of Kaslo is also a short trip up the road and sure to keep sightseers, historians and artisans entertained.

Approximately 43 kilometres west of Kaslo, you can follow the signs to the ghost town of Sandon. Here you can tour the Sandon Museum, the still functioning powerhouse and abandoned remnants of mining-era buildings. As visitors pull into New Denver, the Silvery Slocan Museum is worthy of a visit to learn of the region’s past, and the nearby Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park is a must-do for all outdoor enthusiasts.

Travellers should allow at least three hours for driving, plus time for stops to explore the different sites that this region has to offer.

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