Barkerville - The Gold rush Trail

Star Rating Graphic (5) 81 kms
madmac74 | Ιανουάριος 26, 2015 | Αμερική > Καναδάς Διαδρομές για μοτοσυκλέτα > British Columbia

Motorcycle Traveller Avatar Image
  • madmac74
  • 2002 ZRX 1200R ELR
  • σκορ: 35
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Ιανουάριος 26, 2015 - Star Rating Graphic

Follow the gold rush trail to Barkerville!! This is another out and Back run so get topped of in Quesnel. Out of Quesnel you climb a couple thousand feet on a decent stretch of 2 lane road with passing lanes for those pesky RV´S. It enters mature 2nd growth forest and curves thru scenic mountians.Watch for Moose and Deer . Theres gas in Wells at the general store , but no Premium (I think). There are a few frost heaved sections every year but not enough to deterr Me or my friends. And the best part is you can Check out Barkerville !! The street Actors will have fun with you if yer dressed in a 2-piece race leathers. One Actor thought I was sent from space. So I played along and put my helmet on and told him I was there for the Women.LOL Great Ride and Great Day

Motorcycle Traveller Avatar Image
  • madmac74
  • 2002 ZRX 1200R ELR
  • σκορ: 35

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