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  • CTB
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  • σκορ: 13
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Φεβρουάριος 19, 2015 - Star Rating Graphic

Awesome road, but best ridden East to West, IMHO, so you are hitting the tighter switchbacks going up-hill.

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  • bkfist
  • 2013 Kawasaki ZX-6R 636
  • σκορ: 135
Αύγουστος 29, 2011 - Star Rating Graphic

I just did this ride a couple of weeks ago, August, 2011. Beartooth Pass was on my bucket list... check!! Great road, no, awesome road, spectacular scenery. The weather was perfect with sunny skies and mid 50s at the top - that helps. The hairpins are wide enough to be done with some speed and room to negotiate safe from oncoming cars and RVs. Verticality is tremendous on the northwest side, reminiscent of some Alp passes. Seems like there's always a bit of road construction going on this time of year and BTP was no exception. No real intersections to speak of but watch out for cars entering the roadway from lookout points and some slow campers and Harleys.

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Ιανουάριος 13, 2010 - Star Rating Graphic

From US212 near Cooktown, to Cody, Wyoming, is called Chief Josephes Highway and is a stunning road, for riding at a pleasant speed, to take in the scenery and enjoy the road it self. Cody is a wonderful western style town with loads of History, including the excelent `Buffalo Bill Museum`

Mick Hodgetts
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Δεκέμβριος 22, 2007 - Star Rating Graphic

I am a UK resident, I come to the USA for the roads, and to TOUR NOT RACE with my Buell riding friends from Denver,
I can tell you this road is one of the reasons i come to the USA a rollercoaster of a ride, corner after corner after corner, some constant radious corners return (switchbacks) 200 degress and more and NO POLICE to spoil the fun, scenery is outstanding, we also tryed Highway # 296 and 120 to Cody WY, Dead Indian pass,, I can assure you you will not be disappointed, see photos also
ride safe

Motorcycle Traveller Avatar Image
  • CTB
  • BMW
  • σκορ: 13

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