NSBP Nat Scenic By Way Prgm labels this road High Plateau Scenic By Way. PA State list it as PA Wilds Elk Scenic Route. Start Snow Shoe and end at Hyner View Overlook. At the overlook your bound to find Hang Gliders flying and launching off the Mtn. 144 N to Renovo 120 East to Hyner State Park road a couple miles east of Renovo. Then Right at Hyner View Rd. 50 miles total trip. No gas till Reno Ride through the Beech Creek water shed & Sproul State Forrest. This road was beautiful Appalachia Mtn road but the heavy trucks on the Marcelas Shale has done damage to about a third of the surface. Saw a couple juvinile turkey vultures, a dead wild turkey, and a red tail hawk. No elk for this rider uSunday has little to no traffic. This is a cruising road not racing road. Enjoy. I did.