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Have your say....
Μάρτιος 13, 2021 - Star Rating Graphic

I like 44 and 144. Shame I can never make it up to them, due to distance, but when I have they've always been entertaining. (Rare for PA roads.)

Not a hell of a lot of great roads in north central Pennsylvania, but this is a pretty damn good one. We even were surprised enough at it that we went down and back up. Certainly entertaining enough to be the gem of a ride. If you're in the area certainly give it a try.

Pavement was aces when we were on it. Twisties keep coming, sweepers are solid, some nice canopy forest going on for awhile, a good ride!

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  • Akumu
  • 2010 Kawasaki Concours 14
  • σκορ: 2965
Αύγουστος 9, 2015 - Star Rating Graphic

A lot of curves with good road surface

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