This road is a hoot! In the fall its a beautiful ride with all the fall colors.The most fun though is the numerous curves and hills. The one thing to be constantly aware of is DEER! They are everywhere on this route.
basdad85This is a pleasent curvy route with nice scenery. Be aware of the deer because theres plenty of them in this area. Come North out of North Liberty, after you cross MeHaffey bridge turn right at the top of the hill onto Sugar Bottom road. This is full of hills and curves, when you get to Newport Road go left to Hwy 1 then left to Solon. At the flashing light in Solon turn left and your back on MeHaffey Bridge Road. Its a nice ride.
basdad85This is a fun road that in the fall is beautiful. There are quite a few deer in this area so watch the ditches.