Flat out gorgeous ride: you twist along the riverbank for most of it, then level out when you get near Walden (try The Antler's Inn downtown; nice place.) We rode south from Walden to Granby the next day. Once you're in the canyon it's beautiful too.
DecimusI look for a great ride and may have found the best. Other than gravel in spots from people pulling off to enjoy the sceanery and wildlife it is just turn after turn after turn for nearly 80 miles. There are less turns within 15 miles of Waldon but then you have a little more time to enjoy the sights. Watch out for Moose on the road toward Waldon. Enjoy the ride, I know I did.
KellyEODFrom Fort Collins take the 14 west to Ted's Place and Cache la Poudre, from here you begine on of the best scenic highway's in the area. following the river through a cut gorge along the road in the heart of the Roosevelt National Forest. Tight twisties and and steep cliff walls keep you focused!