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Παρουσία Τροχαίας Star Rating Graphic (3)


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Μάρτιος 30, 2020 - Star Rating Graphic

First time up..... and I´m guessing it was repaved not long ago. Great road but WOW the traffic was thick. I sorta expected the Covid19 pandemic would keep some people away. NOPE! Complete disregard for social distancing. Will go back but not on the weekend.

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Φεβρουάριος 6, 2016 - Star Rating Graphic

Really fun ride into Tortilla Flats, starts with long sweepers and open road, then climbs into the hills with tight bends and fun corners. End in Tortilla Flats to have a brew and some decent food, then ride back into town.

However, the road surface has become *badly* undulated to the point where it´s impossible on any bike. These raised cracks are every few feet and almost the entire route in the hills. You can follow the tracks of cars where it´s lessened but no biker wants to do that. Maybe a larger bike can get through better but smaller bikes are going to get tossed around.

Note; if you continue en route to Theodore the road quickly turns to packed gravel which is decently graded.

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Δεκέμβριος 30, 2012 - Star Rating Graphic

Really fun trip - lots of curves, lots of bikers. Tortilla Flats can be packed on the weekends. If you are up for an adventure, Id highly recommend going past TF about 9 miles to the bottom of an amazing ravine. Part of that is on dirt road, but it wasnt too bad.

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Ιανουάριος 10, 2012 - Star Rating Graphic

Watch for gravel in the corners. Many blind curves, you are riding in the mountains. Watch for deer and police.

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