Arizona High Country : Mesa - Globe - Show Low - Payson

Star Rating Graphic (4) 413 kms
JMO448 | Οκτώβριος 8, 2013 | Αμερική > Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες > Arizona Διαδρομές για μοτοσυκλέτα > AZ - Maricopa(inc. Phoenix)/Gila/Pinal/P...

Motorcycle Traveller Avatar Image
  • JMO448
  • Harley Davidson Sportster
  • σκορ: 5
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Παρουσία Τροχαίας Star Rating Graphic (4)


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Οκτώβριος 8, 2013 - Star Rating Graphic

Started off in warm October weather that got cooler the closer you come to Superior. Lots of nice curves between Superior and Globe. Add Layers when you stop in Globe for fuel. From Globe to Show Low there are a couple of nice straight-a-ways through the forest and a few nice curves. Watch out for police. More straight-a-ways between Show Low and Heber, along with some soft curves. Same for the ride from Heber to Payson (along with a fun down hill road of soft turns). Watch out for pot holes and uneven road on this trip. They sneak up on you and you feel like your going to fly off your bike if your not paying attention. The ride from Payson to Mesa was all desert and pretty warm. Make sure you remove all your layers before starting this leg of the trip. I believe there were 3 areas with speed cameras. Don\'t worry though, you get plenty of warning signs before you come up to them. The weather from Globe to just past Heber was in the 50\'s (not including the wind chill factor). Don\'t worry about fuel. There are plenty of gas stations on this route. Overall it was a fun ride with a great group of people (Phoenix Motorcycle Riders Group). Would love to do this trip in the spring!

Motorcycle Traveller Avatar Image
  • JMO448
  • Harley Davidson Sportster
  • σκορ: 5

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