Luckily this is one the way to the mother in laws. A couple of tight cornes to get the knee down. Some wide open sweepers and a couple of longish straights. Watch for the police as you drop down from the high point, just after the chicane in the hollow.
Hampo69Often ignored for its more glamorous sibling (A57 Snake Pass) but it really is a gem. Pass through the trees at Stoney Middleton which threaten to induce epilepsy on a sunny day then climb up to cross some great high moorland. Its a fast bit of road with some nice bends but watch out for the odd blind junction and stray sheep. For a diversion, bear right then immediately left at the Wanted Inn (Sparrowpit) for a roller coaster ride that can get you airborne! You can also try keeping right at the Wanted and sampling Wynnats Pass, a short steep spectacular road with steep cliffs on either side- just beware of cattle grids at each end, sheep, people and cars coming to a sudden halt 'cos they shouldn't have changed gear!