I,ve been yestarday, thanks for posting it, it´s really full of good corners. Bike & mountains, anything else in your mind (no cars, no police...). I really recomend you all to enjoy it.
jornaleroNot as fast as the N260 from Sort to la Seu durgell but 100 times the number of bends and the scenery is far more interesting one minute you have a valley floor 4,000 feet below you , a few minutes later you have some serious hills 5,000 feet above you , Plenty of places to stop for a break as you will need it. But you will need to read the road as few corners have the obligatory speed limit to give some idea how sharp they are. However when you get to the end you need to stop and spend 30 minutes over a drink just to rewind in your mind what you have just experienced. The road would be more than enough for most people but combine it with the scenery and everything else it is mind blowing. I videoed it as i have done many routes but who would be interested in watching 3-4 hours of roads disappearing from one side to the other, I am sure everyone would be seasick before the end. I recommended this route to a couple of friends before actually doing it myself and they both said forget the n260 this is the new road to do.