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  • TeeBee
  • 2004 Triumph Bonneville T100
  • σκορ: 602
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Have your say....
Αύγουστος 9, 2010 - Star Rating Graphic

Superb mountain crossing, only open during the Summer months. Do yourself a favour and take time for the detour up to Dalsnibba peak, for panoramic views.

The clean and fresh mountain lakes look inviting, and probably would be if they were a bit warmer or if you e an ice-swimmer.

When you get to Geiranger stay at the Union hotel. Its a great experience to swim in the pool while enjoying the view of the fjord. There are many good routes for hikes in the mountains, and lots of activities in Geiranger (kayaking, boat-rides, etc).

Also you might enjoy the local dessert - Svele. Its a kind of pancake, often served with sweet butter.

Motorcycle Traveller Avatar Image
  • TeeBee
  • 2004 Triumph Bonneville T100
  • σκορ: 602

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