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Παρουσία Τροχαίας Star Rating Graphic (1.8)


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Αύγουστος 12, 2015 - Star Rating Graphic

Sweet, fun, fast. Lots of places to pass the little traffic on this route. Some sweepers, some tight descending radius stuff, good elevation changes. Beware of the squiggly tar repairs all over the eastern part of the road...they get soft and mushy in the afternoon sun.

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Σεπτέμβριος 4, 2010 - Star Rating Graphic

cest un vrai plaisir de prendre cette route, paysage de lesterelle toujours aussi magnifique avec cette route pleine de virage avec un bitume relativement ,bon (attention a certain endroit joint de goudron lisse!!). Ca manque un peu de visibilité mais on est au milieu de la colline, on peu pas tout avoir!

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Δεκέμβριος 15, 2009 - Star Rating Graphic

Follow the RN7 from st raphael and stay on it until Mandelieu.Turn right at traffic lights,the road goes almost back on yourself. This takes you yo the coast road without having to go all the way to Cannes.The stretch from here to Cannes is straight and boring anyway.Follow the coast road until you get to Agay and turn right at the mini roundabout onto the D100.(nice cafe on the roundbout for a coffee break)This road takes you back into the Esterel follow signs for valescure passed the golf clubs then pick up the Drn7 again and do another loop.Fantastic!!!

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Οκτώβριος 8, 2007 - Star Rating Graphic

A slight variation to this route would be to complete the first part of the N7, as already described, great bends, speedy locals and a few puffing cyclists. My advice would be to turn off onto the D37 and head for Lac De St Cassien, there seems to be no traffic on this road even in the height of summer. From the lake take a left and head for the perche village of Fayence, a short detour but great fun with minimal trafic and plenty of nice bends with a great road surface. You could then continue from Fayence towards Le Muy, pick up the D25 from Le Muy all the way down to St Maxime, turn left at the coast and follow the N98 and take this road out of St Max towards frejus, hugging the beautiful azurian coast line. This road will then take you to the N7, continue the loop until you are back in Frejus, probably a 90 minute detour

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  • Deedub
  • K1200LT, Honda F6C, Fazer
  • σκορ: 150
Νοέμβριος 13, 2006 - Star Rating Graphic

I came across this on the way back from a visit to the Harley dealer in Frejus. I had come from Valbonne skirting Grasse and over the mountains and wanted to get to Cannes. The coast road is great but a bit busy in summer so I though I'd give this one a go. Fantastic pleasant surprise. Nice and gentle ride especially suitable for my Fatboy.

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Αύγουστος 10, 2006 - Star Rating Graphic

Cannes to Frejus excellent ,bend after bend good grip slow to average speed bends (no sweepers) left right left right all the time, me and the lads go to France for this road (the best scratchin road in France) *police station at start or finish ! of road in Cannes*

Μάρτιος 23, 2006 - Star Rating Graphic

A good alternative to the coast road - not too demanding, but with plenty of bends to keep you interested. Very little traffic when I was there.

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  • emelgee
  • Honda Fireblade
  • σκορ: 19
Δεκέμβριος 20, 2005 - Star Rating Graphic

I stumbled across this on my way to the Route Napoleon. A real gem up in the mountains. Admittedly I was in the car at the time, but lots of twisty, swooping, tight corners. Not so hot if you get stuck behind traffic as there's not many passing places for a car! And watch out for the odd nutter coming the other way - the road's not exactly wide. So much better than the alternative motorway route.

Οκτώβριος 30, 2005 - Star Rating Graphic

An often overlooked little gem of a road, constant cornering with swoopy climbs and descents. Most route finders will either send you round the motorway (boring) or round the coast road (too busy). The locals know about this road so expect to see little hatchbacks travelling very quickly, and watch for cyclists torturing themselves up the climbs. A superb shortish (by French standards) blast, not to be missed if you're in the area, not found in many guides because not many people know about it (until now).

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