Kootenay Lake Eastside (Creston - Kootenay Bay)

Star Rating Graphic (4) 80 kms
fenwick | Σεπτέμβριος 1, 2010 | Αμερική > Καναδάς Διαδρομές για μοτοσυκλέτα > British Columbia

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Παρουσία Τροχαίας Star Rating Graphic (3)


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Σεπτέμβριος 1, 2010 - Star Rating Graphic

Lots of twisties with some up and down. Follows the lakeshore so plenty of views to the west. The area is pretty much a throwback to the 70s in terms of culture. I heard theres lots of BC bud. Crawford Bay has some interesting pubs and a small music festival in August. Great little lakeside restaurant at the ferry crossing on the north side of the road. Ferry crossing is free and about every hour during daylight.

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