1 / Bruce Hwy : Rockhampton - Cairns

Star Rating Graphic (3) 1021 kms
Beagle Boy | Μάιος 12, 2008 | Ωκεανία > Αυστραλία Διαδρομές για μοτοσυκλέτα > Queensland

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  • Beagle Boy
  • Honda Pan European ST1100
  • σκορ: 25
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Have your say....
Μάιος 12, 2008 - Star Rating Graphic

If you do this one you can be considered a Australian Biker (because it is over 1000Km) but this distance will disappear under your wheels. Roughly 300km north will bring you into Mackay by which time you are quite used to canefields and the warmer climate then another 200km to Bowen after passing through Proserpine and on to a lovely little town of Home Hill just before Ayr and the gigantic metropolis of Townsville. Now you are in another state of North Qld with Ingham, Cardwell and Innisfail before the last 100km to Cairns. It is a great run and I have done it day and night, wet and dry and always enjoy it. Break it down or do it all ... there are plenty of off shoots also. Some of the coastal sections are spectacular.

Beagle Boy
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