23 Butler - Port Jervis ( High Point Area Towards Hawks Nest )

Star Rating Graphic (4.33) 60 kms
Busa Man | Αύγουστος 15, 2007 | Αμερική > Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες > New Jersey Διαδρομές για μοτοσυκλέτα > NJ - Sussex/Passaic/Warren/Morris/Bergen...

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Παρουσία Τροχαίας Star Rating Graphic (3.7)


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Μάιος 19, 2015 - Star Rating Graphic

Stop in the small towns and relax. Nothing much to do

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Μάιος 9, 2013 - Star Rating Graphic

From 84 up to High Point State Park is one of the best roads Ive ridden in this area! Traction and road surface are great! Nice banked high speed sweepers till you get up to where the road surface changes to blacktop. Slow your pace a lil bit cause theres some tighter turns up there. Be sure to ride through High Point State Park while your up there! Great view for a good 50 miles in all directions on a clear day.

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  • ZX9R
  • 98 ZX9R
  • σκορ: 7
Αύγουστος 15, 2007 - Star Rating Graphic

This route starts on 17 North bound, then takes 287 South bound. You then take Rt 23 West. Once on 23 you will go thru a few small towns with a few lights. Police are sometimes hidden or drive white plain unmarked cars and SUVs. So be on your toes. But as you go further north on 23, it starts to open up with plenty of twisties and great views. We usually stop alone the route at a small bagel shop just before 84. Once passed 84 and as you hit High Point, the back road leading towards Port Jervis is SWEET. Nice long twistie. You will enjoy.

Busa Man
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