An absolute pleasrue to ride. Even better if you come into Helmsley from Thirsk, time it right and you get a great run at Sutton-Bank and its very tight, steep bends. Watch as you drop down into Helmsley though as the boys in blue do like to wait for you. Leaving and heading north to Stokesly, theres a left fork about a mile past where you clear the 40 mph limit, if youre caught behind a big vehicle leave plenty of room as anything approaching that junction from the left will be totally blind to you and youll only find out when youre spread-eagled over their bonnet - I know as it almost happened to me! Do watch the speed limits in the villages though and let loose on the open stretches! Enjoy 100km of top riding!!
AegirThe well known North Yorks TT route.
About 100kms of great biking. Enjoy it with other bikers on the weekend or solo at less travelled times. Starting at Helmsley then travelling north to Stokesley and across and back down via Kirkbymoorside to Helmsley