A great road. But not for the faint hearted. Long sweeping bends. Blind summits and loads of side winds on exposed sections. Great fun at a leisurely pace but would not recommend high speeds due to police presence and corners being on top of you before you realise.
cwill86825A main trunk route so lots of traffic with a big police presence, but entertaining enough.
MonojContinue through Otterburnon head north for carter bar and the border, you will know when you get there, piper in the car park and tea/burger van, road is patrolled by both uniform and traffic officers so be careful, but still worth a go.
ROCKY1As said this is an excellent road. However it is, or can be, a very fast road with lots of sweeping bends and moorland sections. The police use it for high speed pursuit training and because the roads are mostly open can have cameras on you before you can see them. Enjoy it but take your time.
From Ponteland to Otterburn there are some good fast straights,open bends and twisty hairpins. also makes a nice gateway route for those travelling to Scotland from the south (i.e. motorway alternative)