I rode this route on a monday and for the trailie rider this is awsome so long as you don mind taking your time and paying attention. The road surface deteriorates quite considerably at times with the centre section covered in gravel, added to this limited forward visibility and little chance to manouver if you meet anything coming the other way it is best riden with care. If you like the feeling of bieng in the middle of nowhere with outstanding views and don mind a challenging road this route is for you.
AndyHAn excellent route, did it on a trip through Wales with some mates. It was a realativly slow ride, but the scenery made up for that. Definately a route for bike trail bikes.
mainroadukI like to do this route from the South, as the hairpins up he Staircase are that much more fun! Super bit of road up the Abergwesyn Valley for a small sportsbike or even better, a big Trailie!
dexterbeefThe 'Devils Staircase' is worth doing both ways. It gets the adrenelin going!!
cycoLeave Tregaron on Dolecoed Road, this takes you on the mountain road to Abergwesyn and takes in a few fords and also the Devil's Staircase. Not one for the GSXR crowd although until it hits the forests is a good UK style B road. Then the surface does deteriate a bit until after Nant Ystalwyn. Did this track at night on the Welsh National Rally and it was quite scary but the fords were only an inch or so deep even in early May.