Golan Heights Circle

Star Rating Graphic (5) 105 kms
tamarbikes.com | Νοέμβριος 7, 2014 | Ασία > Ισραήλ Διαδρομές για μοτοσυκλέτα > Israel

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Νοέμβριος 7, 2014 - Star Rating Graphic

This is probably one of the best riding roads you can find in Israel complete with great asphalt, excellent coffee and breakfast places, drop dead vistas, and some of the best twists and sweepers you can find.

We Start our morning at Zemah Junction, the southern tip of the sea of Galilee, there a great Aroma cafe in the gas station for your morning pick me up, (Warning - Do not eat breakfast here!), we start off east on HW92, you are running into what is called the border triangle where the Syrian, Israeli and Jordanian boarders meet. running along the Yarnuch river this road now runs into a beautiful canyon. just before the road runs out at Mevo Hama hot springs (you can come here at the end of your tour for relaxation, e make a sharp right turn on to the 98. Here the fun really starts when you climb out of the canyon onto the Golan plateau, with a series of turns that wouldn´t shame any great alpine pass, I still remember Jeremy Clarkson from TopGear, screaming this is one of the best roads that will run us right up to the northern tip of Israel. we are running to the volcanic park of the Avital Bental reservation, on the tip of which you will find Coffee Anan a picturesque cabin with an amazing view over Syria, on a good day Damascus is in clear view only 60km away. You order the Shaqshuqua a dish of fried Eggs and Tomato sauce which is the local specialty. Coffee is good and thee is a memorabilia t-short and all kinds of goodies store on site. if not mid summer you may find yourself in a cloud of fog (´Anan´ in hebrew where the place gets its name from.) Come back down make a right and find the 959 west and then down the 978 to the 91 heading back down to the Jordan valley. the part in and out of the canyon is a series of sharp turns and once out you are looking to hit HW 90 heading south back to the sea of Galilee. Follow the road down some more sharp turns and once you hit the lake take the right westerly route through Tiberias back to the starting point at Zemah Junction.
Coming down from the Golan at the second part of trip can get hot on the bike, so start your day early and finish it in winter at the Mevo Hamah Hot Springs and in summer with a refreshing dip and Pick-nick on the many beaches of the Sea of Galilee. its all right there.

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