Source de la Loire

Star Rating Graphic (4) 0 kms
Rambling man | Οκτώβριος 4, 2011 | Ευρώπη > Γαλλία > Rhone-Alpes (inc. Lyon)

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Οκτώβριος 4, 2011 - Star Rating Graphic

This route runs from the eastern part of the Ardeche all the way to the western border and back. It visits the highest mountains in the Ardeche, including the source of the river Loire (the longest river in France). The route also runs past a lake inside an old vulcanic crater (Lac d’Issarlès). In the town Lachamp-Raphaël you can make a small detour and visit la cascade du Ray-Pic (waterfall). And ofcourse the route is just one curve after another.

Because this route is non-stop curves on two lane as well as single lane roads, it is a quite demanding route and may be more suitable for more experienced riders.


Rambling man
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