From Bolene Vesubie to the top of Turini is the most fun technical road I know. Hundreds of left right flip-flops through the forest and cliff hugging roads keep you adrenaline running. Shame the section below Turini has a poor surface though the woods but improves lower down. The Top Gear team loved it but its better on a bike.
BourneToRideI agree with johncollister 100%. Just an addition. Don't miss the small chapel of Notre Dam de Menour. Visit it and enjoy the view... Some photos added too
SteliosLa Giandola to Sospel (Col de Brouis) is a close but nice road with good road surface and great corners that will keep you awake for sure ;) Added some photos too...
Stelioseveryone should ride this road once just to scare yourself to death. The drops off the side are truly gut churning and the little 2 foot high walls arent going to stop you! Its constant hairpin after hairpin, the northern side is well surfaced, the south is pretty bumpy. The views are spectacular (if you dare to get close to the edge), one of those roads youre really glad you did but think once is enough. Sospel, at teh southern end, has a brilliant road going SW to Nice and NE up towars Italy. The road South from Lantosque is pretty good too so it would make a great day loop. The Monte Carlo rally uses the Col de Turini every year, the thought of going round there flat out on pace notes is frightening.