9 Chatauex in one day circu;ar route from Ridersrest.net

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ridersrest | Μάρτιος 2, 2009 | Ευρώπη > Γαλλία > Limousin

Motorcycle Traveller Avatar Image
  • ridersrest
  • Rocket 3; FJR1300; M-G Stelvio
  • σκορ: 85
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Μάρτιος 2, 2009 - Star Rating Graphic

Distance: 230 miles 366 Kms

Regions: North Dordogne, Haute Vienne, Correze.

Attractions: Chateau de Puymartin, Château de Puyguilhem, Château de Jumilhac, Château de Hautefort, Château de Bourdeilles, Château Châlus Maulmont , Arnac Pompadour National Stud and Chateau, Segur le Chateau, Le Tour Masseret, Château de Coussac-Bonneval.

Coffee Stops: Ussel, Vigeois, Arnac Pompadour, Peirqueux, Chalus, Masseret,

Description: There are some narrow roads with dodgy road surfaces on this route so beware... The Dordogne region has many of the finest castles in France, often in spectacular locations, and frequently surrounded by carefully manicured gardens with far-reaching views over the surrounding countryside. Many of the castles date from the turbulent times in the 12th-14th centuries and the wars between England and France (see Hundred Years War). Also where Richard the Lion Heart spent most of his days.

Motorcycle Traveller Avatar Image
  • ridersrest
  • Rocket 3; FJR1300; M-G Stelvio
  • σκορ: 85
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