North Moravia to North Slovakia

Star Rating Graphic (5) 41 kms
Motormichal | Μάιος 21, 2013 | Ευρώπη > Τσεχία Διαδρομές για μοτοσυκλέτα > Eastern Czech

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Στροφές Star Rating Graphic (5)
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Ποιότητα οδοστώματοςStar Rating Graphic (4)
ΕπικινδυνότηταStar Rating Graphic (3)
Παρουσία Τροχαίας Star Rating Graphic (4)


Have your say....
Μάιος 21, 2013 - Star Rating Graphic

This is one of the best roads if you want to cross a Slovakian border. Most of time, especially on the Czech side, very good asphalt. Great mid-fast corners round reservoir Šance, tighting to Slovakian border. Behind the border, on the Slovakian side is route little bit narrover with i bit worse tarmac. In the corners, there is some kind of light gray tarmac and it is slippery in the rain. A lot of police measuring speed in Slovakia!

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