The Cabot Trail (USA_TTC CAN2)

Star Rating Graphic (5) 290 kms
Kenzie | Αύγουστος 20, 2011 | Αμερική > Καναδάς Διαδρομές για μοτοσυκλέτα > Nova Scotia / Prince Edward Island
Διαδρομές για μοτοσυκλέτα 1 υπάρχουν διαθέσιμες φωτογραφίες

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Στροφές Star Rating Graphic (4.8)
TwistinessStar Rating Graphic (1.7)
Ευθύγραμμα κομμάτια δρόμουStar Rating Graphic (2.8)
Θέα/ Φυσικό περιβάλλονStar Rating Graphic (5)
ΟρατότηταStar Rating Graphic (3.3)
Ποιότητα οδοστώματοςStar Rating Graphic (3.3)
ΕπικινδυνότηταStar Rating Graphic (3)
Παρουσία Τροχαίας Star Rating Graphic (3)


Have your say....
Ιανουάριος 8, 2017 - Star Rating Graphic

There´s a reason this is an international draw for motorcyclists, it´s one of the most beautiful rides out there. You can do it in a day, or you can take your time. Next time I go, I´ll take a day to get out there, a day for the trail and a day to return. Perfect

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  • DesmoSco
  • Ducati Monster 695
  • σκορ: 37
Απρίλιος 8, 2014 - Star Rating Graphic

I rode the Cabot Trail 2 years ago and it was great - beautiful scenery, some nice twisties, beautiful scenery, quick changes in elevation, and... did I mention beautiful scenery?
We did the loop counter-clockwise and the road conditions were pretty terrible near the beginning, but overall, the surface was in good shape for the majority of the ride.
I DO recommend gassing up often - gas stations can be few and far between in some areas (especially on Sundays), and the small ones that are open often have only regular unleaded.

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  • Mayhem123
  • 2006 HD Road King Classic
  • σκορ: 8
Μάιος 10, 2012 - Star Rating Graphic

Amazing views, a mix of technical mountain sections with long straights and sweeping corners... the absolute best place in the Maritime Provinces to go to on a bike!

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Αύγουστος 20, 2011 - Star Rating Graphic

The Cabot trail is a Canadian legend in the motorcycle community. This loop through Cape Breton Highlands national park rises and drops from the coastal shore to the mountain tops and back to the shore again. Watch out for moose, and be sure your clutch is in good condition because the mountain switchback descents can really take their toll. Start at Baddeck and take a counter clockwise route for the best views. Also resist the urge to finish out the loop by switching onto the Coastal trail through inverness back to Main Land Nova Scotia. The coast isn't visible on that branch,and its just slow country roads, stick to the Cabot Trail through the whole route back to Baddeck, and take the Trans Canada back to the mainland.

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