Canberra to Eden and back again in 24hrs

Star Rating Graphic (4) 375 kms
Jhay | Δεκέμβριος 27, 2019 | Ωκεανία > Αυστραλία Διαδρομές για μοτοσυκλέτα > Australian Capital Territory

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Δεκέμβριος 27, 2019 - Star Rating Graphic

Leaving canberra just before lunch and first stop is Cooma for a quick bite. On the bike to Cann River ( be careful on the road as soon as you get into Victoria as the road condition changes dramatically and gets very bumpy and makes cornering dangerous at high speed ). A pie/coffee stop and then on the bike to stay at Eden overnight. On the bike before 9am going north on princess hwy before cutting back in land through some fantastic country road riding. Then onto the highway again through Bemboka, Cooma and then home. The into this g to watch for is a strong police presence on the main highways and the 50k stretch going into Cann River from the Victorian boarder. Other than that it´s an exceptional run.

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