The West Kootenay Corridor Loop

Star Rating Graphic (4) 147 kms
leahphoerger | Ιούνιος 5, 2014 | Αμερική > Καναδάς Διαδρομές για μοτοσυκλέτα > British Columbia

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Ιούνιος 5, 2014 - Star Rating Graphic

The cities of Castlegar, Rossland and Trail can be traced on a 90 kilometre loop that follows the Columbia River. The Brilliant Suspension Bridge and Doukhobour Discovery Centre are located in Castlegar.

Nearby Rossland is home to Red Mountain, and Trail’s iconic businesses include the historic Trail Memorial Centre at the world’s largest zinc and lead smelting facility, the Teck-Cominco Lead-Zinc Smelter.

Drivers should allow at least 1.5 hours for this trip, plus time for sight-seeing stops.

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