Israel Northern Route

Star Rating Graphic (5) 63 kms | Οκτώβριος 19, 2014 | Ασία > Ισραήλ Διαδρομές για μοτοσυκλέτα > Israel

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Στροφές Star Rating Graphic (5)
TwistinessStar Rating Graphic (1.7)
Ευθύγραμμα κομμάτια δρόμουStar Rating Graphic (3)
Θέα/ Φυσικό περιβάλλονStar Rating Graphic (5)
ΟρατότηταStar Rating Graphic (3.5)
Ποιότητα οδοστώματοςStar Rating Graphic (4.5)
ΕπικινδυνότηταStar Rating Graphic (3)
Παρουσία Τροχαίας Star Rating Graphic (3)


Have your say....
Μάιος 26, 2016 - Star Rating Graphic

A truly magnificent rout, very enjoyable with some really nice long right and left hand curves, some hairpins and decent asphalt

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Οκτώβριος 19, 2014 - Star Rating Graphic

A Spectacular road running right along Israels northern boarder with Lebanon. Skirting mountains and running up and down valleys this is a true roller coaster road with virtually no traffic in lushes greenery.

Within an hour plus ride you´ll run clear from the Mediterranean coast to the hula valley.
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